理学学士,刑事司法管理 & 道德


  • 中央情报局特工
  • 计算机取证专家
  • 企业安全专员
  • 犯罪现场调查员
  • 刑事分析器
  • 缉毒局特工
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • 渔猎监督
  • 欺诈调查员
  • 的谋杀案侦探
  • 警察
  • 私家侦探
  • U.S. 元帅 


A Bachelor’s Degree in 刑事司法 (BS) puts you on the path to an exciting career in law enforcement, 一个预计将继续的字段 未来十年的增长率为7%. Mid-America Christian University (MACU) has a program that lets you start from scratch or build on skills you already have.

澳门大学的刑事司法学位不仅仅是理论安卓版客户端, choosing instead to address the realities of the job through coursework that includes anti-恐怖主义, 宪法, 以及刑事诉讼程序——都是由现实世界的专家教授的. Students leave the program with work-ready skills within the primary focus of ethical community policing.

Coursework includes the administration and supervisory skills required for ongoing success in the criminal justice field.

你可以将你的刑事司法学位与专业区分开来 基督教部委 or 心理学.


An educational background that includes additional psychology courses equips traditional law enforcement officers with helpful tools and opens future career doors. Day-to-day encounters with mental illness are often routine for police departments across the nation. 甚至巡警也能从额外的心理学研究中受益. By applying an understanding of human behavior gained in coursework that includes a study of abnormal behavior, 动机心理学, 以及压力管理, law enforcement professionals become better prepared for duties that include investigative work, 面试技巧, 以及需要协商的情况.



MACU’s 刑事司法 degree is ideal for those new to law enforcement or for those with previous experience in the field. 不管一个人的生活环境是工作还是家庭, 中美基督教大学是一个理想的选择, 因为我们的五周课程是为繁忙的成年人设计的.

  • 在线课程是连续的,一次上一门课
  • 生活经验,包括军事训练
  • 分班测试是免费的
  • 前期成本最低

Students participating in online coursework for the Bachelor of Science in 刑事司法 and 道德 are encouraged to build connections with other students, 教师们也很容易接近,并参与到每个学生的成功中来. 

当你准备在澳门大学开始你的学位时,我们的爱博体育竞猜app下载顾问随时准备为你提供帮助. 请看看这个可下载的学位表, 介绍澳门大学刑事司法与伦理学位课程. 不要犹豫,通过电子邮件联系你 (电子邮件保护) 或者打电话 888-888-2341 如果你有任何问题.


澳门大学的校园生活包括竞技体育, 集体活动, 为你的教育之旅提供一个安全的环境. 你会扩大你的朋友圈,他们分享你对教育和基督的热情. Nearby off-campus life includes an abundance of outdoor activities as well as more than 250 museums in the Oklahoma City metro area—from arts, 科学, 航空和国家垒球名人堂.

An on-campus 刑事司法 degree at MACU means you have it all at your doorstep, including:

  • 高效且负担得起的学位课程
  • 学生与教师的比例低
  • 竞技体育(包括电子竞技)
  • 一个小而安全的校园
  • 附近是一个繁荣的城市,有很多可看的和可做的


Criminal justice taught in a Christ-based setting at MACU means ethics are instilled into every course, 而不是事后才加进去的. 这就是“MACU差异”,你会在每一次互动中感受到它, 无论是和同学,还是和教职员工. All are dedicated to molding leaders who not only understand the intellectual needs of their field, 还有道德上的问题.

这个刑事司法程序是基于圣经的,建立在耶稣的基础上. MACU is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and 学校 (NCA).  


crj 3103*


审查刑事司法系统的主要组成部分-执法, courts and corrections – including historical and social perspectives; the roles and functions of various agencies; and the 流程 involved in the administration of justice.

crj 3503*


Emphasizes the provisions of the Constitution which directly relate to the powers of both federal and state law enforcement officers and prosecutors, 以及对这些官员的限制. 与第一项有关的决定和宪法问题, 第四, 第五, 第六, 第八, 第十四修正案将被强调.

crj 3513


An examination of the nature of the criminal acts of substantive criminal law including defining the necessary

crj 3703*


学生将爱博体育竞猜app下载整个刑事司法程序, 从警方调查到定罪后的上诉审查.

crj 3813*


Basic concepts and principles of community relations with major emphasis on understanding human beings and how to utilize this information in a practical way.

crj 4003


This course is an examination of current issues and social problems relating to the administration of justice in a culturally diverse society. Special focus of the course will be on the changing ethnicity of communities and related changes in social and institutional public policy. 同时也讨论了跨文化交际, 实施文化意识培训, 执法中的多元文化代表, 以及刑事司法

crj 4113


The course is intended to develop a general understanding of the 科学 of inquiry and provide presentation of 技术, 现代刑侦的技巧与局限. Consideration includes all aspects of criminal investigation, as a system of thought and action. 讨论的重点是检测的方法, 检查和解释刑事案件的事实和法律层面. The course also examines concepts and methods of investigation of specific forms of crime (杀人, 强奸, 抢劫, 等.)

crj 4403


The student will evaluate policies and procedures that are utilized in all phases of police administration. These include judicial decisions, which impact the legal status of the operation of police agencies. 另外, administrative issues inherent in both large and small police organizations are assessed including: the history and context of police administration, 警察组织任务, 在警察组织中的领导地位, 警察经理的角色, 以及公民监督的作用. Oversight committees addressing police accountability for community enforcement services are analyzed.

crj 4513*


This course is designed to familiarize students with basic communication concepts as well as basic concepts, 流程, 技术, 以及刑事司法领域中使用的面谈和审讯的法律方面. The course will address the differences and similarities between interview and interrogation; different types, 使用, and 流程 of interviews; various forms of verbal and nonverbal communication; and specialized types of interviews, 比如探测, 选择, 咨询, 和有说服力的.

crj 4533*


本课程探讨应急计划, 社区风险分析, 制定全面的计划. 威胁评估, 人员配备, 机构协调, 沟通是为了创造有弹性和警惕的社区. 案例研究进行审查和讨论, 包括自然灾害和人为灾害, 激进主义, 以及恐怖主义行为. The course bridges the core strategies and philosophies of community policing and homeland security.


crj 3003 *


This course examines a wide range of victimization experiences from the perspective of the victim, 他们的家庭, 和社会. 研究的犯罪包括抢劫, 入室盗窃, 劫车, 殴打及殴打, 强奸, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 杀人, 纵火, 儿童性虐待和性剥削, 儿童色情犯罪, 联邦犯罪, 身份盗窃, 恐怖主义, 和网络犯罪. 重点是探讨创伤的病因, 冒犯的动机问题, 受害的反应模式, 受害的二次创伤效应, 以及社区和媒体的反应.

crj 3113


犯罪学是研究犯罪行为的一门入门课程, 侧重于犯罪原因的各种理论. 这门课程的重点是犯罪行为, 跨文化方面, 社会对犯罪的反应, 以及犯罪学的调查方法.

crj 3413


成人之间的家庭暴力,包括虐待配偶和虐待老人. 这些方面包括暴力、支配和控制等心理和社会学因素. 强调在这种环境下官员的沟通,包括跨文化方面. 法律角度包括对主动逮捕政策的讨论, 限制订单, 反跟踪立法.

crj 4013


批判性地审视人口贩运的全球问题. 使用历史和比较级
框架, this course reveals variation in human trafficking patterns in different regions of the world and efforts to combat human trafficking by means of prevention, 保护, 起诉, 和伙伴关系.

crj 4013


本课程使学生接触犯罪现场证据, 收集技术, 现场保护, 面试技巧, 以及现代科技在保存和分析证据方面的各种应用. An
analysis of the rules of evidence with an emphasis on the conceptual and definitional issues of admissibility, 相关性, 物质, 重量, 举证责任, 假设, 证据类型, 司法认知, 证据的特权, 最有力的证据, 意见证据, 道听途说的证据及其例外.

*Courses are required for an optional concentration in 基督教部委 in one of the following Bachelor’s degree programs: